Monday, July 25, 2011

make room second trimester, here i come

Today Mom and Dad took me for my 12 week sonogram. I can tell I really impressed them this time because I had a lot to show off. Since my last appointment I have pretty much developed all of my body parts. Although everything still has a lot of growing to do I'm looking like a baby and moving too! See for yourself... Don't I look much better this time than last?

Now I know what you're thinking... you think you can already see a body part that would indicate my sex? Unfortunately, you are wrong... that's my umbilical cord. It's too early to tell my sex, that info won't be available until week 20, however, Mom and Dad have agreed they'd like my sex to be a surprise. It seems this topic isn't going over well with some of my grandparents. Mom has already told the doc not to release this top secret info when the time comes but based on what I've heard out there, it seems like my Nanny Goat won't give up on asking regardless. Love you Nanny Goat but it's going to be a surprise for you too.

So... back to me being so impressive today. In addition to seeing all my growth (I'm the size of a lime now, just over two inches) I also showed everyone some my moves. I bounced around in the womb at least two times while they were looking at me and I waved at everyone too. This was the first time anyone has seen me move in here. Right now I have lots of room so I've been making myself at home. I kept my arms up around my face during the whole appointment, not sure why, guess I just felt like it. Here's a picture of those arms...

My heart was beating strong this week at 168 bpm. This was the first time Dad and both my Grandma's got to hear it in person. I made sure it was nice and strong so they could be proud and they were. Mom was a mess during my sonogram. The tears were flowing down her face and I'm pretty sure she fell in love all over again.

Ok, I know Mom's tired and needs to get good rest for me so I need to be going but before I sign off I wanted to say Thanks to all those friends and family I haven't met but that have already given Mom and Dad special gifts on my behalf. Although there are some that aren't pictured, I appreciate all of them and can't wait to meet all of you. Here's just a few of the fun gifts we've gotten. I'm particularly fond of the lemons. Seems as if I'm craving those lately. If someone could throw some olives my way, I think I'd like more of those too. Yum!

Oh, oh... one more thing. Please pray for my cousin to come soon and to come safe. Uncle AJ and Aunt Adrienne are expecting their baby any day now. If I have to hear Mom say one more time how much she's tired of waiting and anxious to meet the new baby I think I might kick her... even though she won't be able to feel it, I think I'll feel better. Hurry baby, you have to learn the ropes so you can teach me!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

welcome to the party

It's finally here, the day I get to announce my arrival! You're probably wondering who's writing and what I'm announcing... You can just call me Baby Aguila and I'm sure by now you've figured out the rest!

I'll be breaking out of this here womb come Feb. but for now I'll be blogging about my adventures in this nice, cozy place they call the uterus. I'm almost 10 weeks old but I know in "pregnancy terms" they'd say Mom's actually 12 weeks pregnant. From here on out we'll just go by their terms, seems to be easier on everyone.

So far things have been really great. I've been really easy on Mom with just a few days of nausea, nothing a little ginger ale didn't fix, and some acid reflux. Of course she's been more tired than usual but let's be real, I need some of that energy to grow. I know she won't mind.

Here's a picture of me at five weeks, three days. This was the first one we had taken and when Mom and Dad found out how old I really was. I think I look pretty good. This picture is how I got my nickname, "Donut"... My Aunt Kelly actually thought of my special name for me. Mom wasn't so sure about it but Dad loved it so it stuck. This was when I was still but a wee young yoke sac. I was actually a full circle but the picture didn't capture it so well, hence the name, Donut.

Below is another picture of me at six weeks three days. Since Mom had a miscarriage previously the doctors wanted her to come in more frequently to be sure things were looking good. At this appointment I was nice enough to show off my heartbeat. Thank goodness the sonogram tech helped them find it because without her they would have been clueless. Nonetheless, Mom and Dad were estatic to see the flicker of my heart and that I had grown quite a bit in just a week. Both my Grandma's were also there to meet me for the first time.  Here's our first family portrait!

And here's a video of my heart beating! Look for the little flicker in the middle...

I'd say I have some pretty luck parents! They got to watch me grow for three weeks in a row, at seven weeks three days I was showing off not only my heart beating on screen but I also let Mom hear it for the first time. This was a big surprise for her since she wasn't expecting to hear me so soon. Dad wasn't able to come to this appointment so he actually hasn't heard my strong heartbeat in person yet. Thankfully Mom took some video so he could hear it later. I can't wait for him to hear it beat on Monday, that's our next appointment! At seven weeks my heart was beating at 153 beats per minute. The doc said it would get even faster in these first weeks then come back down to 140-160 for the rest of my time here in wombland.

Mom changed doctors and so at nine weeks we got to meet our new doctor, Dr. Suarez. She seems really nice and I'm looking forward to having her bring me into the real world... let's hope she's on call when I decide I'm cooked enough. I got my nine week photo taken and made good growth progress in the two weeks since Mom and Dad saw me last.

The thick line in the top of the picture is my umbilical cord, which the doc said was really big because I needed to get lots of stuff from Mom to help me grow strong. My head is at the bottom of the photo. In this picture I'm about the size of a strawberry and I've already got my arms and legs, although they're still growing I can move them around.

Mom and Dad get another sneak peek at me on Monday when we go in for our 12 week appointment. I know Mom is anxious but she knows God is going to take care of me and them no matter what. Hopefully we'll chat soon so you can see how much I've grown. One side note, I've graduated to "fetus" status now. Congrats to me!