Thursday, September 29, 2011

active donut = happy mommy

Well it's clear to see from the inside and the out that I'm growing really big these days. Mom went for her pictures with Connie last Friday, I was 21 weeks old when these were taken. Since Mom and Dad were on vacation when Mom normally would have visited Connie there was a three week gap between the photos which makes it even easier to see how much Mom's body is changing to make more room for me.

I'm really enjoying all the space but rumor has it it's going to get more cramped in Wombland before I escape.

In just a few hours I'll be 22 weeks old! That means I'll officially be the size of a spaghetti squash, about 11 inches, and weigh almost a whole pound. I'm even starting to grow tooth buds this week. The thought of having teeth seems strange but I guess I'll get used to them eventually.

Since the last time I wrote I have been very active. Truth be told I have always been active but especially the past few days Mom has really honed in on my movements and seems to feel them much more frequently. She was able to call Dad over on Monday and he felt me move for the first time. I threw a quick jab his way to say "Hiya Pops." I can tell Mom gets the biggest kick (pun intended) out of me moving around because she always tells someone that she just felt me move. I think Dad has probably heard, "the baby's moving..." one too many times already! Don't worry Mom there's more of those coming up these next few months. I know it's also really reassuring for Mom to feel me moving around and she's so grateful to be able to know I'm there even if it's just for a second. 

Last weekend Mom and Dad went to Buy Buy Baby to try and figure out what car seat (actually called an infant carrier) and stroller to get me. Mom wants a stroller she can take me running in but also one that's light enough to function as a regular stroller for our shopping trips to the Mall, our adventures to Disney and other places I'm sure we'll be going. I think they've decided they like the Baby Jogger stroller because it's so easy to fold up and moves around really nicely. It's also got some nice safety features Mom can use while she runs. One of the cool things about this stroller is Mom and Dad can lay me down in it as an infant because the back goes down enough to be almost flat. That means they don't have to attach the infant carrier to the stroller, just throw me in (gently of course) and go.

They also looked at getting me the Chicco brand infant carrier. Since this won't get used for very long, only until I'm 30 lbs., they wanted something middle of the road in price but still rated well in safety. Chicco is one of the top brands and definitely has the easiest installation into the base. The guy at the store said they threw the Chicco from about five feet away and it clicked into the base on its own. That's some impressive stuff. I can see Dad and his friends having a competition after a few drinks to see who can do that too... of course I'll be inside with the ladies being swaddled and rocked while they do their experiment. They still haven't decided on colors but here's what it looks like. Exciting huh?

This week I also had the pleasure of going to another baby shower with Mom. This one was for Mom's friend Britt. She due in just over a month so I'll have another play date friend in not too long!

Not too much else happened this week so I'll guess I'll sign off for now.

Sweet Dreams.


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