Sunday, December 11, 2011

the beginning of many blessings

There is so much to blog about this week since once again I've been away too long. Things have been so crazy these last two weeks I can't wait to tell you about it. First off, let me show you my growth. Below are my 31 week pictures. Mom and Connie couldn't resist dressing me up for the upcoming holiday. Knowing my mom and grandmothers, I can't imagine how much I'll have to get dressed up once I'm out of here!

And just for fun, you can see how much I've grown from 29 weeks to 31 weeks.

Last weekend Connie, Mom and Dad went to Ft. Desoto to take more maternity pictures. I guess you could say these were our first official family portraits. I know Mom is really excited to see how they turned out. Connie allowed them to be really creative and we had so much fun! Mom even laid down in the freezing cold water for some of the photos... although she belly-ached the whole time! I think she's in for a surprise if she can't even stand a little cold water for a few minutes. If you need a local photographer, please consider using Connie

Speaking of photos, I wanted to show you a picture of my ornament on our Christmas tree this year. It was an early gift from my Nannygoat. I know it's one Mom and Dad will treasure forever.

Now that I'm 32 weeks old I weigh almost 4 lbs and am almost 17 inches long. In the weeks to come I'll gain a third of my total body weight and Mom will probably be gaining about a pound a week. Most of that weight will go straight to me so I can be big and strong come February. Right now Mom has gained between 18-21 lbs. depending on when she weighs herself. I also have fingernails, toenails and if I'm going to have hair I've probably got at least some peach fuzz going on right now.

Now that things are tighter in here Mom can find me from the outside all the time. There's always some part of me close to the surface so we're in constant contact. Mom absolutely loves being able to feel me whenever she wants. At the doctor last week they said Mom measured 29 cm. which is completely normal. They also told her my heart rate ranged from the 150s to mid 160s. If you believe the Wives Tale about the heart rate then you're probably thinking I'm a girl since the faster heart rate usually means girl.

Mom and Dad have started a baby pool for people to be able to guess which day I'll be born and what sex I'll be. The winner gets half the pot (if they get both correct) and Mom and Dad are planning on donating the other half to a children's charity like March of Dimes or Ronald McDonald House. If you're interested in getting in on the pot, let them know, it's five dollars to enter!

Ok, I've been very patient in waiting to tell you about my shower last weekend but I can't wait any longer! Mom and Dad have the best friends, they had so many fun activities, so much good food and really know how to make this Donut feel special.

The cake! Isn't it so sweet? Cheryl took my wall art to Publix and they did such a good job making it look so cute.

The presents! Seriously I'm one spoiled Donut. I got so many great gifts from all the guests that came. I know Mom and Dad had so much fun opening all these... they're still working on finding places around the house to store them!

The games! Everyone was concentrating really hard to try and descramble the baby words.

Baby Food! Another one of the games was for everyone to try and guess what baby food was on their plate. Mom decided to go ahead and get some practice feeding Dad while everyone guessed. Did you know they have flavors that taste like a Thanksgiving dinner or even Italian dishes, like lasagna? Who knew! I can't wait to try those out in my new high chair!

More Games! Since the guys don't really understand what it's like to be pregnant they got to play a game themselves. Each guy had to blow up a balloon...

...and put it under his shirt. Then they had to try and get the balloon out without using their hands. Look how cute they look with baby bumps!

Mom thought Dad wore his bump well, so they had to take a photo to compare. Dad better put that beer down if he plans to carry that baby for much longer.

Here's a photo of the guys trying to "birth" their balloons. Not so easy, huh guys?

Mom thought Poppy looked especially cute pregnant. I think his baby is further along than I am!

Like I said earlier it really was such an awesome day for me and I know Mom and Dad felt so much love from everyone that came and especially Mom's friends that did such a good job planning all the details and making sure everything was perfect. Even my cousin Brooklynne had a good time! Mom forced Cheryl to hold Brooklynne to get practice so she'll starting trying for kids sooner than later, see we're not that bad Auntie Cheryl!

Whew... I still have a little bit more to talk about but I'll try and make it quick. Last time I blogged I told you Dad was working on painting my room and starting to get it ready. Although it's not quite time for the "big reveal" I thought you'd like to know that the same night he painted the room him and Mom couldn't wait to get the furniture in there and get it all set up... so they did.

This week we attended our first baby class at TGH. There's so much to know, Mom felt a little lost but much better by the time they were done. I know Mom and Dad were glad they learned how to properly bathe me (I don't want to be the stinky baby on the block), techniques to dress me so my little fingers don't get bent the wrong way and things to do to calm me when I cry. Here's Dad practicing putting on baby clothes.

In class each couple picked a baby to practice on. Since the babies had on diapers we didn't know the sex until it came time to practice bathing. Mom and Dad got a girl, I wonder if that's another sign I'm a girl too... Our baby wanted to say hi to all of ya'll... although she looks tired and ready for a nap.

This week Mom and Dad go to a breastfeeding class and next weekend it's an all day labor and delivery class. I hope they don't forget all this before I'm born.

I hope you have a fabulous week and I'll hopefully be in touch sooner than later. I'm sure I'll have a lot to talk about after our two classes this week.

Lots of love,

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