Sunday, October 30, 2011

happy halloweenie... or no weenie... that is still the question...

Happy Halloween everyone! I am so excited to be celebrating my first Halloween even if it is from Wombland. I'm sure Mom will send a little candy my way as a gesture of good faith to last me until I can dress up next year. This year for Halloween Mom dressed up like a Mummy... since she's now a "Mummy" to me... get it? I know she was a little disappointed her costume didn't come out better but it was still a clever idea, at least she thought so. In case you're wondering Dad was a mechanic.

Last time Mom and Connie got together for my progression series they got a little festive to celebrate the holiday! I can't wait to see what they come up with for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Since we're talking Halloween, Mom thought this was such a creative use of pumpkins and other veggies and certainly something she knows is closer than she really realizes...

I just had my 25 week progression series photos taken last week. As you can see I'm growing nicely and according to just about everyone that sees Mom, I'm a boy. Won't it be fun to see what gender I really am in just 14 short weeks?

Being that I'm 26 weeks old now my hearing is much more developed and I can actually hear Mom and Dad's voices. I'm also starting to inhale and exhale small amounts of amniotic fluid. These so-called breathing movements are good practice for when I'm born and take my first gulp of air. From here on out I'm going to be putting on my baby fat. Right now I weigh about a pound and two thirds and am about 14 inches long. Soon I'll be taller than Mom!

This week Mom and Dad had much to be grateful for. Mom went to the doctor and had her belly measured and listened to my heart beating strong. Her belly measured 26cm which the doc said was perfect! Mom loves to hear my heart beating anytime she can and this week was no exception. Mom's midwife could tell while they were listening that I was doing flips inside Mom. I like to move when she/I am hungry... and we hadn't eaten breakfast yet so I was letting her know, it's time!

This week I also got to say Hi to Mom and Dad in person at a 3D/4D ultrasound. Mom has a client that does these and since they needed a pregnant woman (and husband) for their commercial Mom & Dad ended up being talent and getting a free scan as part of the deal. 

I have changed a lot since the last 3D photo Mom and Dad got at 19 weeks! In case you're wondering my umbilical cord is wrapped around my neck as you can see in the second photo. This is completely normal but still a little scary looking. I was playing with it during the scan, guess I don't have much else to do right now. By the end of the scan I had my hands and my feet in front of my face and they couldn't get any good shots of me after that. It's a little hard to tell but my feet are directly over my face. I was really entertaining Mom by stretching my legs out so she could see how long they are!

Mom is going to try and convert the video so you can see me moving but it's too late (way past our bedtime) for her to do that tonight.

This weekend I was supposed to get my room painted but since Mom and Dad are having guests (my cousins from Texas are visiting!) around Thanksgiving they've decided to wait and keep the spare bedroom until after they leave so they'll have a comfy place to stay while they're here. I know Mom was super excited to have this task taken care of but she'll just have to be patient. It's worth it after all, I get to meet my cousin Emerson for the first time. We'll be close in age so when I go to Texas to visit I'll have someone to play with.

I think Mom and Dad have agreed on a light shade of green for the room (little bit lighter than the photo below). And we did have a little progress on the room, this week Dad picked out a wall art and ordered it behind Mom's back. She couldn't get mad at him though because 1.) it's for me 2.) she secretly likes it a lot more than the cheapy one she bought at Target.

Well I guess that's all for now. I hope you have a Happy Day and get lots of candy during your adventures!

Happy Halloweenie!

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