Saturday, October 22, 2011

houston... we have an outie

Since Mom is continuing to get bigger as I grow her belly is showing signs of getting bigger too. It's been officially decided Mom's belly button is an outie! Welcome to the outside of the belly, belly button. Mom thinks her belly button looks like the top of a naval orange... And look Mom has the dark line running down her belly. She didn't even realize it was there until she saw this picture (she can't see that part of her stomach anymore).

Speaking of getting bigger, Mom had her 23 week pictures taken by Connie a few weeks ago. Look at how much I've grown!

Mom is so grateful to have Connie taking these pictures of her progression. She went on Friday to have her 25 week shots done. Mom and Connie got creative for one of the pictures, I can't wait to show you, they should be in my next blog. Here's a closer shot of me from the outside at 23 weeks.

Now that I'm 25 weeks old Mom's uterus is the size of a soccer ball, isn't that crazy? I weigh about 1.5 lbs now and will start gaining baby fat from here on out. This will help my wrinkly skin smooth out so I can look more like a newborn. If I'm going to have hair you would be able to see it by now and tell its color and texture... pretty wild stuff. I wonder if I'll have a full head of hair like my cousin Brooklynne? When Mom and Dad go for my 3D/4D they might be able to see it then! I know Mom will be super excited to know since she thinks I'll have hair based on her heartburn and acid reflux.

This week Mom goes back to the doctor for a general check-up and to have her belly measured. She will also have a glucose test done to see if she could have gestational diabetes. This is a normal test they do when Moms are between 24-28 weeks. I'll keep ya posted but let's say a prayer everything is normal.

This week I also got some exciting gifts from my Mimi. She bought Mom and Dad a Baby Bullet so they can make me homemade food. Mom wanted the Baby Bullet but didn't know if they would actually get it since it's not a necessity. If you know of any good recipes I might like for my baby food please be sure to let them know! Mom is looking forward to trying this out, maybe Dad will be her test subject until I get here... ha. Mimi also got me some really sweet sleeping jammies I can't wait to wear, they have little duckies on them, so cute!

Well it's Saturday night and we're all hanging out at home too pooped to pop. Today we had a big yard sale at Mimi and ChiChi's house. Mom and Dad have been gathering goodies to sell for quite some time now, that along with Mimi and ChiChi's stuff made for a successful day and a good amount of money made. I think everyone was super excited and impressed at how well we did today.

With the money we made Mom and Dad are going to pick-up a piece of furniture from my set! I'm so excited for them to start working on my room. I think they're going to paint my room next weekend so the transformation from guest room/office to my room will officially begin.

I don't think I've told you but Mom gave into Dad and decided to go with the furniture he chose. Although Mom's furniture got lots of votes from her friends, it seemed all the "old" people voted for Dad's set. The various opinions were much appreciated and some good points were brought up for each one. Just an FYI, the furniture in the picture below is a slightly different color than the one they picked out. Mine will be darker with more of a cherry finish.

I guess I'm all done with updates for this week. Hope all is well in your world. I'm getting really excited to meet all of you in just 15 short weeks... It will surely be here before we know it!


D. Aguila

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